在英国诺丁汉大学Grierson教授(英皇家学会院士)实验室工作期间(94-95),发现了转基因反向重复基因顺序引起高频高强度基因沉默,相关论文被《Cell》等引用。之后又首次阐明了siRNA与靶基因mRNA降解的直接关系,论文被收入Faculty of 1000并被《Science》等重要杂志引用。
自2010年回国以来,组建杂粮分子育种团队,倡导“学以事人、教以授道、研以惠民”。现有团队成员32名,均具博士学位,其中包括英国皇家学会院士并中国工程院外籍院士Don Grierson教授、7名晋农新秀;主要从事谷子等杂粮食味品质与特色功能成分形成机理、氮磷吸收与转运、抗旱与抗病研究,开展谷子、苦荞、糜子、高粱等杂粮作物基因资源发掘、种质创新及分子育种;团队获批国家自然科学基金项目等国家级项目32项、省级项目50项,代表性论文发表在Nature Plants等高质量期刊。
1.Folate metabolic profiling and expression of folate metabolism-related genes during panicle development in foxtail millet (Setaria italica) .Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture,102: 268-2792021(通讯作者)
2.Comparative analysis of flavonoid metabolites in foxtail millet (Setaria italica) with different eating quality.Life, 11(6):578 2021(通讯作者)
3.A mini foxtail millet with an Arabidopsis-like life cycle as a C4 model system.Nature Plants, 6:1167-1178 2020 (共同通讯)
4.Volatile profiles from traditional Chinese oat meal varied significantly from oat porridge and differed with cultivars and locations.Journal of Food Science. 84 (9): 2432-2400 2019(通讯作者)
5.Characterization of volatile aroma compounds after in-vial cooking of foxtail millet porridge with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry.Journal of Cereal Science. 82:8-15 2018(通讯作者)
6.Plant genetic engineering and genetically modified crop breeding: history and current status.Frontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering. 4 (1): 5-27 2017(通讯作者)
7.Constitutive down regulation of SiSGR gene is related to green millet inSetaria italica.Russian Journal of Plant Physiology. 64(4):608-15 2017(通讯作者)
8.Elevated CO2 increased photosynthesis and yield without decreasing stomatal conductance in broomcorn millet.Photosynthetica. 55 (1): 176-183 2017(通讯作者)
9.Transcriptomic analysis, genic SSR development, and genetic diversity of proso millet (Panicum miliaceum).Applications in Plant Sciences. 5(7): 1600137 2017(通讯作者)
10.Diversity and cultivation of broomcorn millet (Panicum miliaceum L.) in China: A Review.Economic Botany. 70(3):332-342 2016(共同通讯)
11.Foxtail millet: nutritional and eating quality, and prospects for genetic improvement.Frontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering. 2(2):124-133 2015(通讯作者)
12.Regeneration of buckwheat plantlets from hypocotyl and the influence of exogenous hormones on rutin content and rutin biosynthetic gene expressionin vitro,Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, 120(3): 1159-67 2015(通讯)
13.Effects of free-air CO2 enrichment (FACE) on the uptake and utilization of N, P and K inVigna radiate,Ecosystems &Environment, 202: 120-125 2015(通讯作者)
14.Effects of fully open-air [CO2] elevation on leaf photosynthesis and ultrastructure ofIsatis indigoticaFort.PlosOne, Doi: 10.1371/journal. pone.0074600. 2013(通讯作者)
15.Exogenous application of salicylic acid enhanced the rutin accumulation and influenced the expression patterns of rutin biosynthesis related genes inFagopyrum tartaricumGaertn leaves.Plant Growth Regulation, 68(1): 9-15 2012(通讯作者)
16.Enhancement of post-transcriptional gene silencing by grafting.Plant Signaling & Behavior, 3(1) 30-33.2008(第一作者)
17.The mechanism of graft transmission of sense and antisense gene silencing in tomato plants.FEBS Letters, 580(28-29):6579-86. 2006(共同第一)
18.The effect of endogenous mRNA levels on co-suppression in tomato.FEBS Letters, 563(1-3): 123-128. 2004(第一作者)
19.The influence of inverted repeats on the production of small antisense RNAs involved in gene silencing.Molecular Genetics and Genomics, 267: 629-635. 2002(第一作者)
20.Relationship between small antisense RNAs and aberrant RNAs associated with sense transgene mediated gene silencing in tomato.The Plant Journal, 29(4): 509-519 2002(第一作者)